Friday, June 17, 2016

The Pepper Revolt of 2016

The seedlings have been growing up nicely--except for peppers.  This season is an epic fail straight across the board in germinating and growing peppers.  I have restarted the seeds twice and nothing!  Logic tells me that 8 different varieties bought from at least 5 different sources during 4 different years don't just all get together in my seed box over Christmas and decide to go on strike for the 2016 growing season.

Alas, that is exactly what has happened.  So, now that I have laid awake nights beating myself up and going over what I could have possibly done I have gone philosophical and decided to buy the basic peppers I need to survive the year and order all new seeds for next season. 

Not to be a quitter, next year, I'm throwing every last seed that failed me this year into the ground and saying, "There, prove me a liar!"

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